Welcome to the Kingdom Caregivers' Coach website!

Our passion is to support overwhelmed Christian family caregivers to courageously navigate the marathon of care and finish strong.

No one can really understand the marathon of care unless they have run it.

That’s why the caregiving journey can feel so lonely.

In order to help women with their heroic task, we coach and mentor women
caregivers as well as creating resources to strengthen the spirituality
of both the caregiver and loved one. 

We help caregivers to finish the race without regrets; to know that
they have honored their loved one and successfully escorted them into
the arms of their heavenly Father, and they will hear,

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

The Marathon of Care

Don't run your marathon of care alone. We are here to help. "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their toil." Ecclesiates 4:9